Foodie Near Me enables you to find Restaurants,bars,Pubs,wine shops,clubs and almost everything in the world with convenience.Foodie Near Me shows you bakery, restaurants, theka (wine shops/liqueur store),night clubs etc that are nearby your current location. It’s a great app when you're traveling as you can see what's around you. Simply open the app and Foodie will find your location and find different types of places where you can satisfy your feast.You can then see the phone numbers and address to check the nearest place from your current location. Once you're happy to go then you can click navigate and Google maps will get you there. With the Foodie application you dont need ask anybody for nearest bar or pub, you just need to click on "Get Started" and you can find bars, pubs, restaurants, theka (wine shops/liqueur store) and night clubs close to your location and get the name, address, phone number and rating based on user’s previous experience(s) at the establishment.